Chocolate Wafflez
26,00 € – 40,00 € sis alv 25.5%
Chocolate Wafflez is a mint chocolate-flavoured sativa-dominant powerhouse with high yields and very high levels of THC.
Chocolate Wafflez is a cross between Tommy Chong’s LA Amnesia and Cali Connection’s Thin Mints GSC, proud heritage indeed! Plants grow vigorously and tall – up to 300 cm. outdoors between 50° N & S. Indoors plants shouldn’t be left to veg. too long and in any case will benefit from training in order to control vertical stretch.
Indoor yields are around 600 gr/m2 in about 65 days of flowering. Outdoors, Chocolate Wafflez resistance to mould allows cultivation even in higher latitudes although heavy cloud cover will restrict both height and yield somewhat. In sunnier latitudes as much as 1000 gr/plant is obtainable. Harvest time is end of October in northern latitudes and end of April in southern. Sparkilng resin coverage is already good a 6 weeks and by the end of flowering buds shimmer with silver/white resin. Buds are dense with an indica-like quality.
This strain has a complex terpene profile with a heavy shot of alpha-pinene. The initial character is Haze-like with notes of blackberry, chocolate and mint and a cookies and cream after-taste.
THC levels are between 20 – 24% providing a rocket fuel take-off, extremely psycho-active and especially enjoyable for lovers of more cerebral pleasures such as arts and music.