Cinnamon Buddha OG
33,00 € – 52,00 € sis alv 25.5%
Cinnamon Buddha OG has lineage of the renowned ‘Florida cut’ Triangle OG and Humboldt Seed Org’s own private Fire OG which is not in general circulation.
This is a highly pungent, 85% indica, strain with great flavour. Plants grow with a classic OG structure; lanky and with relatively large internodal spacing. Once in the flowering stage, plants will stretch to more than double the height and good support will be needed for the heavy buds. Both SCRoG and SoG work well for Cinnamon Buddha OG and, although not a heavy consumer of nitrogen, these plants get hungrier during flowering and providing sufficient nutes during this phase will serve to increase yields.
Indoors, flowering takes about nine weeks with yields in the region of 400 – 450 gr/m2. Outdoors, plants prefer arid, mountain desert climates and can grow to a height of 450 cm. producing in excess of 4000 gr. each with northern latitude harvests being ready in mid-October.
As would be expected from its name, Cinnamon Buddha OG produces strong scents of spicy cinnamon with pine, nutmeg and lemon pepper with some earthy, citrus undertones, the latter being typical of OG strains. THC levels are very high at 21 – 24% with low CBD of 0.1%. A strong body effect provides long-lasting relaxation and calm.