Purple Matcha
76,00 € sis alv 25.5%
Purple Matcha grows with ease, boasting an incredible strength, homogeneity, resistance to disease, sturdiness and lots of beautiful, thick and resinous buds. Even during the early growth period, she shows a strong hybrid vigour with branches all around. However, it isn’t until the start of the flowering stage that she grows like hell, doubling her size when provided with sufficient food and attention.
Purple Matcha is not a greedy plant, though. A standard diet should be enough for her to show her full potential. To maximise yields and to make sure she doesn’t collapse due to the weight of her branches, it’s essential to remove fan leaves from primary layers and to set up some structural support (staking or trellising). When figuring out the right number of cannabis plants to grow in a sq. meter, many different factors should be taken into account, although growing over 6-9 plants isn’t generally advised. In short, an exclusive California hybrid for all kinds of growers, experienced or not. Great news for rookies, right?
The organoleptic properties of Purple Matcha have no equal. A first-class terpene profile expressed through clove, cinnamon, black pepper and lemon peel accompanied by hints of earth, pinewood, and berries. Her effect is a powerful and long-lasting head buzz that ends in a nice feeling of physical relaxation.